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The Prince

By 12:49 pm

By Kiera Cass 

If you don't already know what it is by the title, The Prince is a short novella which is set just before The Selection and it is written in Prince Maxon's point of view.(POV) After reading The Elite I could not resist reading this short novella and I have to say I'm impressed. I don't know why but it is refreshing reading in a guy's POV and Kiera Cass did a wonderful job of it. Sometimes I think when authors write in a guy's point of view it can come across as too girly or I cannot tell the difference between the girl or the guy so that's why I don't normally read those sort of books. This novella was exceptionally good and it made me wish we would get more written in Maxon's POV. 

Another thing I liked about it is that we get more of Maxon's personality and how he views things. It showed that he did have a couple of flaws and he is not absolutely perfect. I think when we read The Selection in America's POV, Maxon comes across as the perfect person and prince so it was really nice to see that he was really nervous about the Selection. 

Overall I thought it was a cute novella which you should definitely read. It won't take you long as it is a really short (6 chapters) and you can finish it in about 20 minutes.



  1. I thought this was a really cute novella as well! I loved experiencing Maxon's POV and seeing his thought process... Great review!
