Tuesday 27 January 2015

Blogging has affected my reading

Before I was a blogger it was pretty easy for me to find a book and enjoy it. I could go to a library, pick a random book and simply read it. No muss no fuss!

Since blogging it has affected my reading so much, both in good ways...and bad ways. I find that as my experience for reviewing novels grow, I'm so much more critical. I analyse what I'm reading way too much and I'm worried that it's ruining the ease to find a book.

Nearly every time I go to a bookstore and pick up a book I have to check the goodreads rating or read some reviews for it. Ratings on goodreads doesn't matter to me as much but it does help a lot in making my decision.

I noticed I'm so much more picky and I don't know whether that's a good thing. It means I don't waste time on books I don't like but it also means I don't give many novels a chance. I know I shouldn't worry and it just means my taste has changed over the years but my main issues are the slumps.

My last slump felt endless and I feel like blogging put a lot of extra pressure. With the new year I've decided not to worry as much and let myself enjoy the novels I'm reading but when it comes to reviewing a novel it feels like I'm picking it apart. I always hate it when people do that in movies and it's the same for books.

I know this was a weird discussion but it's been on my mind for a while.

Do you think reviewing books has affected your reading?


  1. I think you've pretty much summed it all, Francoise! I do miss the thrill of perusing shelves on the bookstore and picking out books based on its blurb and cover, not the hype surrounding it or its ratings on Goodreads. However, checking out what other people thought of it has definitely stopped me from making purchases that I would later regret.

    I think its great that you're trying to not analyze the books you read too much. I think that sometimes we forget that there's a fine line between "critic" and "reviewer" and that's why we feel that we blogging has ruined our enjoyment of books. :P

    Great discussion, Francoise! I hope that venting has let out all the hot air inside! :D

  2. Thanks so much Kayla! It's definitely been something on my mind for a while and you're right about the difference between critic and reviewer! That's a good way of putting it

  3. Girl, I am the same! I have to check the goodreads before purchasing a book otherwise I just can't get myself to buy it. And yeah, I've gotten significantly more critical in my reading, which I think is pretty good because it saves me so much time to read all the good books, hah!

    Lovely post, hun <33

  4. Ahahaha oh my goodness, I totally get you! If anything is less than a 3.5 on Goodreads, I'm just like ohhh hellll noo. Even though I probably would've gotten it anyway before blogging.

  5. I used to find myself comparing my reading experiences before and after I became a book blogger and, a while back, I missed the way I used to have no expectations going into a book. But, now, I can't imagine not having a place to discuss the books I read on.
    I do admit that I have become more way at reading reviews of books I'm going to read shortly though. I don't like knowing much about the books I'm going into these days.

  6. I did feel flustered with reading and fell into a slump when I first started blogging. It sucks so much. I've basically stopped requesting books for review unless I absolutely CANNOT wait for it, so I don't feel obliged to have to read it. This year I vowed to read more books off my TBR shelf (basically books I buy and never get around to). I've also cleaned out some books that I know I'll never get around to, and it's helped a lot in figuring out what gets me excited to read again!

  7. It's so true and another advantage is that it saves us time and money! I have enough troubles buying books as it is, why bother wasting my money on a book that I won't like?

  8. Yeah I got goodreads when I was 14 as well! Most of the time it's a summary that draws me into a book but I use the rating as my deciding point. Synopsis can be fooling and I feel like anyone can make a book sound good.

  9. If it's less than 4 stars on goodreads I can't do it. If it's 3.5ish I'll get the pdf, if it's over that's when I'll actually buy it. Only books that I LOVE deserve a spot on my bookshelf.

  10. I don't know what I would do without the blogging community. As much as I have friends who read it's just not the same. Having my own blog means I have my own space on the internet where I can express my own opinions.

  11. Yes I'm trying not to ask for as many reviews this year. I have to be dead sure that I'll like it. Like All The Bright Places sounds great don't get me wrong but I'm not sure whether I'll like it that much. People are comparing it to The Fault in Our Stars and I liked it but it's not my fave. I need to get around to my TBR as well!!!

  12. I go through these same slumps as well and it's hard to pick yourself back up isn't it. In the last 6 months, I've found that if I leave the review copies aside and read a few of the books on my own shelves that I've really been dying to get stuck into, it makes such a difference. One series is the Percy Jackson series that I've been reading. I don't review them, but you need that break just for yourself and get back to reading and enjoying books again. Great topic Francoise, one that we all go through or some of us are going through right now <3

  13. Oh my gosh I loooove Percy Jackson! One of my all time favourites. I understand why you don't review all of them because people get bored reading reviews for basically the same thing.Yes we all deserve breaks, even from our hobbies.

  14. I think this is a really interesting topic to think about, I completely agree with all of your points. I also no longer go into a book care free I’m always being critical about what I like and don’t like. One thing I’ve found that always gets me into a reading mood and out of a slump is re reading a book you know you love so then theres no pressure to read it critically or review it your just reading it for the love of the book. This is a great discussion! Thanks!

  15. Thanks for the tip! I've never tried reading a book I've already read and I should actually try it. I always thought it's a waste of time re-reading a book when there's so many novels I haven't read but sometimes it become overwhelming.
