Sunday 16 March 2014

Stacking the Shelves 16/03/14

Hey guys, sorry I've been a bit MIA at the moment but school is getting in the way. (As usual) But good news, Sunny and I are starting up our feature Two Diva's Bookish Discussion up again and it's going to be bigger and better this year. I just wanted to say thank you to the people who took the time to participate in our survey , it was a big help!

As a little update, yesterday we had a blogger meet up and I was able to meet 3 awesome bloggers and Amanda from Harper Collins Aus!

You must check out their blogs:
1. Amanda from The Bookish Manicurist
2. Jenna from Belle's Bookshelf

We had the best time talking about the latest bookish things while eating lunch. While we were in the city we met up in Dymocks and then Sunny and I went to Kinokuniya so I was able to buy 3 books.

Pivot Point by Kasie West
Paper Towns by John Green (bought this a while ago)
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins 
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

I'm so excited to read these books! I'm in such a contemporary mood and these are perfect options to get me out of a slump but I don't know which one to read!!!


  1. Paper Towns was a favourite of mine. I've read all three apart from Pivot Point. Each time I think about reading that one, I end up pushing it back for something else. Looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it. Great buys, a lot of awesome reading there.
    How did the meeting of the blogs go? I remember Kat mentioning on Twitter the other day.
    My Stacking the Shelves

  2. Paper Tows is one of my all time favorite books! It's amazing and I really hope it goes well for you. My Life Next Door is also an amazing read. :) I think you'll like that one. I haven't read Pivot Point yet, but I hope to read another one of Kasie West's books (The Distance Between Us) soon.

    That is so cool that you were able to meet other bloggers. That sounds like so much fun!

  3. So excited to relaunch 2DBD, yesterday went really well! Such a fun day chatting with the bloggers and then doing our own bookish stuff. Obviously you know I love all 4 of those books and I can't wait to hear what you think. I'm digging the header btw :)

  4. It was so great to meet you yesterday and thanks for the shout out. I LOVE that you and Sunny went off to Kino to buy more books! :D

    Now following your blog ;)

  5. I've never seen that cover of Paper Towns before! Very pretty :) Hope you enjoy Pivot Point & Lola!

  6. Everyone seams to love Paper Towns but honestly it didn't really do it for me. I think it was a bit too philosophical and Margo irritated me. But don't let my dislike affect your enjoyment! I think I just had too high expectations.
    Marian ^_^ x

  7. That cover of Paper Towns is so cool! Pivot Point is AH-MAZING and I've heard lots of good things about Lola and My Life Next Door. Enjoy :-)

  8. Lola Lola LOLA! Your copy of Paper Towns is too gorgeous to ignore!

  9. Ack, so jealous of Lola and The Boy Next Door and My Life Next Door - both are on my wishlist!

    I hope you enjoy all! :D

  10. Wow, that would be so awesome having a blogger and publisher meet up! I wish there were enough Ya bloggers in Brissy but alas, not so much. Looks like you got a wonderful set of books, especially Pivot Point (OMG!)
