Thursday 19 February 2015


So you've probably been wondering where I've been. Especially since I said I was officially back and all but don't worry I haven't vanished. You must think I can't stick to my goals, especially since my New Year's Resolutions were only set about a month ago!

My Crazy Bookish World is undergoing some major changes and my main focus has been on that. It will have a complete name change and design and it's confusing trying to figure out whether I'm moving to Wordpress or not. I easily got lost in the amount of hosting websites and prices and I'm trying to create a solid plan. Laura has been a major help with my design and I don't know how she's put up with me ;) I am a very indecisive person and I think she's figured that out...I'm so excited to show you guys the new name and everything!!!

Currently I'm reading:

And my next upcoming reads I've planned are:

So that's just a little update on me. What's the latest news with you?

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish which has a different theme every week.

I thought for a change I'd participate in this fun meme! Today the topic is top ten book related problems

  1. No Sleep - Once you get into reading be prepared to lose sleep over it
  2. Bookmarks - My worst problem is having no bookmarks! I lose all of them somehow and often the case is I'm reading more than one book. So...I have to resort dog-earing my pages
  3. Space - I look at all the popular booktubers and I'm always so envious. They have heaps of books and space!!!
  4. Money - I don't know about you but I certainly can't afford to by every book I want.
  5. Time - Now that I'm in year 11 I have no time anymore! It's only week 4 and I haven't had a chance at all.
  6. Spoilers - I can't stand spoilers and I feel like I have to ban myself from social media to avoid them
  7. Judgement - I hate it when you're trying to explain your most favourite book to someone who doesn't read and you can just feel the judgement...
  8. Attachments to characters - When you have to remind yourself that they're not real...
  9. Bad Books - I hate wasting my time on books that I end up hating
  10. The End - I hate that feeling of having to finish the book and return to reality.

Can you relate with me on this? With great books, come great sacrifices.