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The Bookshelf Tag

By 9:07 pm

I've been tagged by the awesome diva, Kelly at Diva Book Nerd. The rules are easy, I answer all the questions and then tag 5 other people.

1. Is there a book you really want to read but haven't because you know that it'll make you cry?
Not any that I can think of. I don't really cry often in books so I'm never afraid to pick up a novel despite the many reviews from people who have balled their eyes out while reading it.

2. Pick one book that helped introduce to a new genre
Anna and the French Kiss helped introduce me to contemporary. I was never one to read contemporary because I thought it would be extremely boring because who wants to read about real life right? Past me was so wrong!

3. Find a book that you want to re-read
Oh my gosh, for the past few weeks I have had the craving (can you crave a book...?) to re-read the whole Percy Jackson series! I think its because I am anticipating the release of Blood of Olympus which is coming out this October!!! I've already pre-ordered a hardcover of the book! Who else is excited?

4. Is there a series you read but wish you hadn't?
To be honest no I haven't! I've always had trusty bloggers to help me choose what to read next. Even before I entered the community, I would always find a second opinion whether it be a librarian or a friend.

5. If your house was burning down and all your family and pets were safe, which book would you go back inside to save?
I'm sort of copying Kelly's answer here but she has a valid point. I would go back inside and save all my signed books. Especially my copy of Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

6. Is there a book on your shelf that brings back fond memories?
I have fond memories for all my books but to name one it would have to be The Sight which contained book 1 & 2 of Premonitions. This was a book I loved in primary school and I've probably re-read 3 times! If you saw what condition it is in you'd be appalled. The spines all cracked and the pages are bent!

7. Find a book that inspired you the most!
I think Inkheart inspired me, especially as a child because it taught me the power of words. Funnily enough, I never continued on with the series after the first book. It was daunting look at the size of the next ones.

8. Do you have any autographed books?
  1. Teardrop by Lauren Kate - The publishers at Random House were nice enough to give me signed copy of this novel!
  2. The Intern by Gabrielle Tozer - I wasn't able to go to the book signing, so my good friend Sunny got it signed for me!
  3. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor - At the last event at Hachette headquarters, (I have yet written a recap post for that...ooops) we had none other than the awesome Laini Taylor as our guest speaker. Nearly every blogger got their book(s) signed by her.
  4. The First Third by Will Kostakis - Back at the Penguin Teen Live event last year, they had Will Kostakis speak to us and sign our books.
  5. Friday Brown by Vikkie Wakefield - This was one of my first Aussie YA's, it is such a good read and I recommend it if you haven't already read it.
9. Find the book you have owned the longest.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is definitely the oldest. I've had this since I was a small child and I haven't parted ways with it yet and I don't plan to anytime soon.

10. Is there a book by an author that you never imagined you would read or enjoy?
I did not expect to like Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins. I randomly stumbled upon this book with a friend and we had never heard anything about it or the author before but it was a great surprise!

And to end this tag, I have to post a photo of my bookshelf!
There's no particular order to my shelf but I do like to have everything in height order so it's slanting down. The last two rows are dedicated to review books and books I've gotten from events and the rest is sort of random novels I've collected over the years.

So that was the bookshelf tag! I'm tagging

Kayla @ The Bookish Owl


  1. I LOVED the entire Inkheart trilogy when I was younger. My friend didn't like them after the first one, but I sure did. You should continue with it!!

    I'm reading DoSaB right now - so I'm hoping to see what all the fuss is about! ;D
    And thank you for tagging me, hopefully I'll do this soon!

  2. I loved the Sweet Evil series as well, completely surprised me. Still haven't read the last book though, not sure it's even out yet. I love how organised your bookshelf is and that copy of Alice in Wonderland is beautiful, so incredibly charming <3 Thanks for sharing poppet, loved it!

  3. What a fun tag lovely! Is it bad that I have yet to read the Percy Jackson series? I want to know what all the hype is about, but I just haven't be bothered to pick up the first book :/ Eeep! Yay for all the signed books! So many fond memories from all the events :D And your bookshelf is soooo neat! I wish mine was that nicely arranged. Thanks for sharing xx

  4. Looove this book tag!! *_* I can't believe you have Daughter of Smoke and Bone signed - Ahhhh I'm so jealous! I missed a book sighning by Laini Taylor by a day! :(( It was so sad haha.
    Once again I love your review, and missed reading your blog. Happy to be back and hopefully this time for good :)
    -Cambrie @ and so the book begins (

  5. Of course it's bad you haven't read Percy Jackson! I promise you that you'll love it if you try it. It's so easy to read because the first few books are short and the characters are so easy to connect with. And trust me, Percy Jackson is one hell of a storyline.

    I luuuurve signed books and it's so cool meeting all the authors. My bookshelf is neat? I guess it's because I don't have too many books on it yet ;)

  6. Sweet Evil is amazing and I haven't read the last one either so don't worry. Maybe we can do a buddy read some time. Thanks, I try to keep my shelf as neat as possible because i love displaying all the pretty covers. My bookshelf came with glass doors but I just loving showing off all my novels so I didn't put them on.

    Thanks for the comment lovely!

  7. Totally agree with Sweet Evil by Wendy Higgins! I loved the entire trilogy, and I hear she's actually releasing a fourth from Kai's pov? Definitely want to check that one out! Great post and selection of books <3
    Morrighan @
