Friday 29 November 2013

My Top 9 TV Shows of 2013

The end of the year is approaching and one of the most significant things (other than books) are TV shows. Like many teenagers I watch all mine online because I don't have foxtel so I can't view all my favourite programs. So  here's a list of TV shows that I absolutely love and I seriously recommend them to you if you have not already watched them.

In no particular order:

Doctor Who

I'm sure you've heard heaps about this amazing series by now especially because the 50th anniversary was recently released and there has been a lot of hype surrounding it. Doctor Who has and always be my favourite TV shows and if you have not watched it...shame on you. But I guess it's not for everyone. I would recommend it for you but it's a little hard to get into the fandom because it's more of a thing you grow up with. But I'm not saying don't go for it. (I suggest you start with the first season with Rose Tyler aka the 9th doctor)
There's a spin-off called Torchwood (anagram for Doctor Who) and it's good but I don't like it as much.

Vampire Diaries

I loooooooove this TV shows and has been my current obsession. There are just no words for how amazing the story-line is for this show. There are so many twists and turns and I just don't know how the writers come up with all the ideas. Vampire Diaries takes you through a tide of emotions and it's funny how one episode can make you change your decision about one character. By the way, if your not a person for violence then this isn't really for you...there will be a lot of snapping of necks and ripping of hearts. It's sort of the norm now.

(And btw there are many hot guys in this!!!)

There's also a spin-off called The Originals but you CANNOT watch it until you've reached the end of season 4 of Vampire Diaries. Major spoilers!!!

Pretty Little Liars

Aaaaah what to say about this show....I just have one thing to say, this show scares the crap outta me! This show gives every mystery show a run for there money. I never know who it is and I'm always proven wrong. But that's what makes it amazing, it keeps you guessing!

One word of advice, I honestly would take your time with this one so you don't have to wait for the next season. 
The cliff hanger...
There's also a spin-off called Ravenswood but I have not watched it yet but I've heard great things about it.


This such an awesome show!!! Gah! I'm only up to season 2 and there are 9 seasons! So it's a little daunting. I'm tempted to skip to season 4 but I want to be a loyal fan.

 If you love anything and everything supernatural like vampires, ghosts, etc then this is definitely a show for you. There are a number of funny episodes and really scary episodes so you're warned. The story-line is great but it changes depending which season. 

Teen Wolf

This show takes a while to get used too. The acting in the first episode isn't the greatest but the first episode of anything is always bad. When they turn into wolves the make up is so badly done it's kind of funny but I just somehow got hooked to this show and couldn't stop watching it. I recommend it but you won't necessarily like it.


This show has is one of the best detective shows ever! Don't get me wrong I loved the movie with Robert Downey Jr but Benedict Cumberbatch acts the role perfectly. It's only two seasons with I think about 3 episodes in it so there's not much to catch up on but the episodes go on for about an hour and a half so if you're bored in the show. 

Breaking Bad

This is a show I've recently started watching and it is great! It's not a show for everyone and it's definitely not for younger people but that didn't exactly stop me. To be honest I think it's a great lesson to learn because you see what drugs do to people and even though these dealers earn heaps of money there are always consequences. So this is basically about a man who recently got cancer and his wife is pregnant and they don't have the money. He's a chemistry teacher so he know's what the chemical components are to making methamphetamines so he enters the drug dealing business and sets up a partnership with one of his ex-students to get money to pay for his cancer treatments. 
I absolutely love this show and I recommend it but I advice you ask your parents first.

Game of Thrones

This definitely not for's rated R18+ but the story-line is brilliant. I wont go into detail but for those of you who have read it or watched understand me...But the gist of it are there are clans that are after this one throne which results in a lot of bloodshed. 

The Walking Dead

There's a confession I have to make, I can't actually watch this show alone. I love horror movies and I usually can handle anything but from the first episode of this show I realised I have a fear of zombies. I'm sorry but when you're dead you're meant to stay dead. The amount of nightmares I've had of this show is ridiculous. 

If you can't handle gore and a lot of jump-scares then this show is not for you. But of course if you want to scare the hell outta you then go ahead. Your funeral. 

So this is a list of shows that I've been watching this year. The next show I want to try is Revenge as I've heard so many good things about it. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment and tell me what you think.

See you next time!
- Francoise

Sunday 24 November 2013

Long Time No See!

Hey guys!
Long time no see huh?
I have to apologise for my absence lately and I know you all must be thinking 'Oh lord, here she goes again...' but things really have been hectic at the moment and I know it just all sounds like excuses but really, I have a good reason. I have recently moved school, had exams, started my first job and have been in a reading slump but not to worry! I'm back on the reading train. (At the moment I am halfway through Crown of Midnight so expect my review soon.)

I can officially call the mini-hiatus over!!!

Now to kick-start me now officially re-entering the blogosphere I would like you readers (if you're still there) to decide the next meme/feature/challenge (you name it) that I should participate in. I want my blog to become active again and I'm aiming for at least 2 posts a week to keep you guys interested. 

As always I look forward to your feedback. 

And just as a quick ending note, I am really sorry for not commenting on your blogs!!! And by the way, most of the interesting conversations are on twitter so that's where you'll find me most of the time!

Until next time...

Monday 11 November 2013

Help Me Improve My Blog

Hey guys, this is merely a post so that I can see if there is any changing that is needed to improve my blog. It would mean a great deal to me if you stated your true opinion and don't hold back! Don't worry about my feelings, I can take it. This is to help me after all! Thank you for taking your time to complete this survey.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Sunday 10 November 2013

{Movie Review} Thor The Dark World

As you can tell from the title, this is definitely not my usual sort of review. This will be a short review but I just want to get my opinion out there! If you don't already know, I am a MASSIVE fan of everything and anything Marvel. If you don't know what I mean by this, I'm talking about the makers of Avengers, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Captain America etc...I saw Thor 2 this afternoon which I have been anticipating for quite a while and I was definitely not let down.

Can I just say that this was a massive improvement from Thor 1. As much as I loved it, it was always lacking something. This one had everything the first one didn't have. One thing I really liked was that we got to see way more of Asgard and some of the other realms. We got more of a sense of how the Asgardians worked so that was nice to see. Also, Thor 2 is right after Avengers so if you have not seen that first, it will not make total sense to you.

Loki...need I say no more. I've missed his character and snide remarks! The brotherly bond between Loki and Thor was truly hilarious and sad at the same time. It was great because we don't see much of them together unless they're at each others throats. The story-line is a lot more interesting than the first one, Marvel have definitely improved in that area. Chris Hemsworth is just gorgeous. I was happy because there was a shirtless scene! And his voice...stopping here before I fangirl!

In general I can't really say anymore because I just loved it. If you haven't scene it or any of the Avengers movies, I don't know what you're doing with your life. Go watch them now! And if you're planning to see Thor 2 I suggest you see it in 3D because obviously it is a very action-packed movie.
Now all I'm waiting for is Captain America 2, The Winter Soldier. AAAAAAAAAAAAAah!

Monday 4 November 2013

{Review} Allegiant by Veronica Roth

Goodreads Description -
One choice will define you.

What if your whole world was a lie?
What if a single revelation—like a single choice—changed everything?
What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected?

The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.

But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.

Review -  No Spoilers

I only finished Allegiant a couple minutes ago and now I wish I didn't read it so fast. As you already know I bought the novel at the release party and I was trying to take my time as I knew that it's the last book in the Divergent series. But obviously this didn't exactly work out for me.

I had seen so many bad reviews for this so I must admit I was a little scared of how it would end. I made sure to not look at any spoilers because it seemed like the ending was a huge I can see why. Nothing could have prepared me for it. Despite everyone hating it, I actually liked the ending and what Veronica Roth did. I thought she couldn't solve all the issues in one book but she somehow managed to. I must say I have mixed feelings about this ending, I can agree with everyone who hated it but I also can see why people loved it so I'm Switzerland on this one.What I like about the Divergent series is that it is very realistic. It stays true to what war is like meaning not everyone comes out alive, safe and happy. That's the reason why I appreciate how Veronica Roth writes her novels.

At the start one of the first things that annoyed me was the changing of point of views (POV) between Tobias and Tris. I just found it so weird and it took a while to get used to. I think it was because we spend the whole series in Tris's perspective and the sudden change was just new to me. Although I found it annoying it was needed because so much happens and you need to know what's happening all at once for it to work. Also because of the big reveal at the end of Insurgent, we get the sort of massive explanation of everything and it just turned into a great, big info-dump. I don't know about you but I find these incredibly boring and I find it hard to concentrate and follow.

I haven't always liked Tris as the main character and I just found that all her annoying qualities became extremely present and it was hard to ignore. Don't get me wrong, she is still badass and brave and she knows how to handle herself in stressful situations but everything has to go her way and she can be quite controlling. Sometimes I think she gets blinded by her anger and doesn't give people the chance to explain themselves. But I have to give her credit because most of the time her instinct is correct.

Overall I actually loved it and I think you should definitely read it soon because you don't want to accidentally be spoiled. (And it will ruin the book greatlt for you)Unlike evryone else, I actually enjoyed it and I respect the way it ended even though I think Veronica Roth could have done it differently. It's not the best way to appease her fans. I found it kind of funny because I was wearing the Allegiant T-shirt I got from the release party, a perfect way to end the series.
As always, thanks for reading my review and I really want to know what you thought of the book or my review...or both. Either ones fine...haha

In the end I give it: